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Eyuboğlu & Eyuboğlu
Certified Public Accountants in Turkey
  Filing and payment of tax returns in Turkish Tax System:
  Type of Tax Return     Period of Declaration     Payment Date  
Motor vehicle tax - until the end of January (1st Payment)
until the end of July (2nd payment)
Annual Income Tax Return  Until the close of play of 31th March until the end of March (1st Payment)
until the end of July (2nd payment)
Corporate Tax Return Until the close of play of 30th April Until the end of month that the tax return will be submitted.
Property Tax and
Environment Cleaning Tax 
- until the end of May (1st payment)
until the end of November (2nd payment)
Temporary Tax Return (1. Period) 17 May 17 May
Temporary Tax Return (2. Period) 17 August 17 August
Temporary Tax Return (3. Period) 17 November 17 November
Temporary Tax Return (4. Period) 17 February 17 February
Monthly Withholding  Tax Return Until the close of play of 26th day of continuous month Until the close of play of 26th day of the month of declaration
Quarterly Withholding Tax Return Until the close of play of 26th day of January - April - July and October Until the close of play of 26th day of the month of declaration
Value Added Tax Return Until the close of play of 26th  day of continuous month Until the close of play of 26th day of the month of declaration
Social Security Premiums
Until the close of play of 23th  day of continuous month Until the last workday of every month
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